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Raleigh historic neighborhood(27603)! Great fixer upper opportunity! 3bd/2bth. 1,300 sqft. Comps $325k. Asking $142k.

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Having trouble getting enough of a discount on houses for investments? We've got you covered. We do a lot of marketing for off-market real estate deals and sell them at incredible discounts, as-is to investors. Why work so hard hunting down these needles in the haystack? We can do it for you.

These deals are NOT on the MLS. Many times we are able to assign these houses at as much as 30-60% off full market value! Obviously, these great deals go fast, so make sure you subscribe to our site by filling out the form on the top of this page. Once you subscribe, you will have the option to tell us more about exactly what you are looking for. That way we know right away to contact you directly once we get something that matches your criteria.

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